[256] Else Lasker-Schüler an Emil Raas
Jerusalem, Samstag, 20. April 1940
Mr. Fürsprech Raas
7. Balmweg 7.
20. IV. 40
Dear Mr. Dr. At first please do write: B. Hedwig Grieger: Alte Schönhauserst. 29.VI. my good servant, a good girl!! – I am well – I do hope verry soon to see her again. (Sonst nothing!!) Please do write directly. Tanks!
And the little cousin Mill directly bring here. The best air in the world!! Directly for 3 monthes. He is well, quite well in 3 monthes. Verry dangerous has been his illness and he in the town – all be soon good. All his family come here with the little Mill. 10 Pfund – now 110 Frc? he live verry good. Mill here allbest.
For beautiful card thank jou!!
Mill here quite wholesome. The travel: Touristenbillet verry good.
Answer: Air mail!!
Poststempel: Jerusalem, 20. 4. 40.
Quelle: The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Emil Raas Collection (Arc. 4* 1821 01 64).