
Copyright © 2003–2024 by Karl Jürgen Skrodzki, Lohmar

Dr. Karl Jürgen Skrodzki, Am alten Sägewerk 5a, 53797 Lohmar, Deutschland

Tel.: +49 2241 942981

E-Mail: web (bei) kj-skrodzki.de

Else Lasker-Schüler an Emil Raas
Jerusalem, Sonntag und Montag, 18. und 19. Februar 1940

Emil Raas


18. Februar. 40 Hotel Vienna. Jerusalem.

Dear Mill.

You have not written so long time? Now yesterday came your letter. I am glad you are well. But if you have still your Stirnhöhlencartarrh come here three monthes then all finish with your malady. I send you in this days my new works in paper here: Haarez and a journal. I write the new palestine book with pictures. I had have a great paper Kritiks but nix sellt. But all egale in this time, all the poor men which bleed allways. At first I have myself much much erlitten ewwer I cant not forgotten, but now verry good all together here we visite the Oldtown and the brothers and sisters come here to us, to buy in the shops. Come here! Look toself a little! If it is not dangeres to travel. in moment? To morrow I travel to Tel-Aviv for two days. And after the little Autoomnibusstravel I travel to Haifa and I visite a good man in a Emek in the montains: Gilboa where in war gefallen Saul and Josua. David dichtete das Bogenlied.

I have many aquantence but I am in my heart allone. I have no Not. The Orange for a 1 mils (ctm.) a glass I drink 10 glases all day or I dinner and supper allways 5 in one Tour. I go often in cinema and allways all people here and we look all, Mill, and I hope soon all good again. I come afterwards to Ascona. I will write later to the dear mair Bürgermeister of Locarno I know him good and his Wife and to the Family Petrazzini. Werfel and Myself we both we have five o clocktea invited there. But if possible? come here. Tres bonmarche here and also come here. And I know the best medizins and You will be soon well. My dear greetings Your good Father and Rennee and many dearest greetings for Jou. Answer me allways: Air Mail, Mill.

[2] Heute ist der:

19. 2. 40.

Ich war in Tel-Aviv drei Stunden. Hier in Jerusalem so ruhig im Grunde und ich konnt es gar nicht mehr aushalten. Aber in einem Haus öffnete sich die Veranda und da lag das Meer vor mir und ich trank nur einen Schluck und setzte dann die ewige Schaale wieder zur Ewigkeit. Ich fuhr ab immer rechts und links die seltsamen verstorbenen Berge die aber viele wieder grünen Und die Orangen in Höhen aufgestülpt und wie die Zeit der fetten Kühe. Doll hier!! I forgot to write English. I like to write english better than to speak. I am verlegen to speak because I make to much Fauts. Fehler. All I have not yet capiert in your letter in french. I am a Idiot. But I have durchgemacht immense but to times beschützt .. Einfache Menschen in busseness she not have will I schould go from Zürich and it was verry warm for my Heart. The Studierten men she ware verry glad that I have gone in fire. Therefore I hat hasse this people with to much clever thougts Gedanken.

I wäre doch gone because Gott has willing. And I take all my Schwäche now auf mich.

I have no Magen not stomache but a poet he has Gemüt. I hope your Catarrh better? Sös come here some monthes. Best air. 800 Meter high and Milliarden Oranges. And good men. And magnifics Himmel überall in der Höhe over Jerusalem. But come nur if possible?! I have yesterday visite swizzero Consulat. He was verry good.

Your prince.

I all goods!

Have brought this letter – post hier

I send the poems in this days