[253] Else Lasker-Schüler an Emil Raas
Jerusalem, Sonntag, 21. Januar 1940
Mr. Advokate Emil Raas.
Balmweg 7.
21. Jan. 40. Hotel Vienna. Jerusalem.
Dear Mill. I thank you for your beautiful card. It is here the time: Rain (Regen (but one day suneshine 20 Grad other day the sea from sky. Here now all good. We all people verry good. The englishmen all gentlemen. I have momentan picture Ausstellung. A gentleman here has given me extramoney for a travel through Palestine. Still one moment I go to Bagdad and Damaskus and Beyrutt and one day to Cairo one day from here for a Pfund to travel. But I am verry sorry for the world! All the men which dead now. Write soon again. Jour
Prince Jussuf.
Greetings for jour father and Renée
Poststempel: Jerusalem, 21. 1. 40.
Quelle: The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Emil Raas Collection (Arc. 4* 1821 01 61).