
Copyright © 2003–2024 by Karl Jürgen Skrodzki, Lohmar

Dr. Karl Jürgen Skrodzki, Am alten Sägewerk 5a, 53797 Lohmar, Deutschland

Tel.: +49 2241 942981

E-Mail: web (bei) kj-skrodzki.de

Else Lasker-Schüler an Emil Raas
Jerusalem, Sonntag, 3. Dezember 1939

Emil Raas


3. Dez. 39. Hôtel Vienna. Jerusalem.

Dear Mill.

Arrivé des deux lettres de hier et avant, je croy la lettre de un month before. I thank jou verry much. I could not answer, I was too sorry. All the same in my heart, but I am able to live. I have enough now. Come here soon, if possible to come. Not now!! I hope soon. Learn hebrit – verry good if jou speak a little hebrit here. I can’t learn, but I speak english, because I have been in english scool. I like to speak english! But I have forgotten so much in the jears Emigration seven jears. Fine english pieces in Cinemas and french ones and that is for me so fine sometimes. I send greetings Renée. She is [2] now again at home. And I hope her husband all good front. I am verry allone in my ungemütlich heart. Jesterday in the Dimdumimi (Dämmerung) (»Dusk« in english) I must weep. And I have been so stupid allways. My eyes look better in my heart, than oudside, but I look. The skys magnific, not one sky, many skys: lila and taubenblue (like Afrika) and gefiederte, and like fire. I hope I travel soon for days) to Damaskus. Some houers of here and once to Cairo – one day of here, Mill. Here good again. Sometimes I go in the Old town again.

I write for Har-Arez and I have to do. But my heart like Dimdumim without sans joy and play and I am undankbar. sure. Perhaps I have perdue my Jerusalem, what live in heart of the men.

Sometimes jou speak with me in the [3] evening and in the night, but I am sorry. I have lost my faith.

Dear Mill, will jou please write: Madame Dr. Oprecht: Zürich Rämystreet. The card, which I have written to Madame, to smal to write all deutlich.

12 Frc. I have to become from Verlag Überschuß of my books:

The 12 Frc.

I write to her: please, please, Madame send the money directly

to Frl. Hedwig Grieger,

Alte Schönhauserstr. 29VI Town: where I lived. B.

She was my good servant, now she is selve girl. 5 Mk. I am owing (schuldig) her. I could not send back for some monthes. She had achetée des roses for my dearest boy (Friedhof) to the birthday and the other money, for this roses 14. Dez. Hedwig the dear Girl, she brings the flowers 14. Dez. this months (churchyard) Friedhof for my dearest dearest boy.

But madame nothing more write to Hedwig. Please write!

Have jou understand me. I have allready written jesterday a card to dear madame. (Attention!!) it is allow? to send? The money in hands (the rest) 12 Frc. and some ctm. of Madame Oprecht.

often I speak of jour book. Job he has taken [4] jour fine book to England. He wrote me often. He is farm. I cannot answer so often, I am tired and without the light of the moon.

And many greetings for jour good Papa and Renée and I send jou dear dear greetings and write soon. Mill, will jou write to Dr. Jacob Zucker Unter Engstringen bei Zürich, greetings from me. He ist now the präsident from Zionismus in Zürich. Please versuche to speak him. He was once minister and verry gentleman. Allways he was verry good and dear to me. And please send greetings dearest Rabbiner Taubes he give his words in the Predigt (Rembrandtteppiche legte er seine Reden vor der Gemeinde) and wife Brandschenkestr. 45 oder 54 Zürich and Myriam and forgot me not, Mill.

Jour poétessa.

[2] Please pardon die Unordnung in Writing of the letter.

I cannot more other. pardon!