[251] Else Lasker-Schüler an Emil Raas
Jerusalem, Mittwoch, 20. September 1939
[1] [2] [3]
So I go from there
all day I go this way in Rehavia a little.
Keren Hajessod, Keren Kajemed.
Hôtel Vienna Jerusalem.
20. Sept. 39
I must write englich or french. It is better for the post. The englishmen all verry good here. I speak better my favourite language: english then french.
Dear Mill.
Mrs. Dr. Nothm. she has given me jour letter do day in the morning. I am so sorry, that jou have still allways jour [2] head ache. I am sorry, that the illness not is better. A great medicin here, he sayd three days ago in a society, the air in Jerusalem Okt. Nov. Dezember allbest in the world. Jerusalem in mountain, (800 Meter up) the air, mountain-Air and verry verry good against bloodpress. The cause of head ache. Do jou know? Come here. Jou have written the magnific Brochure after the process and I am sure, jou get permission to come here. In three monthes jou are quite wholsome indeed. Come here, I come back with jou to Ascona. What am I able to do for jou? Answer in french oder english. The letters are most prompt in the Vienna. better the adress again Dr. Nothmann. Usischkinstr. 17 Rehavia-Jerusalem. A great facility for the Postmisters. Come here three monthes. I think, jou understand jourself with the Keren-Hajessod, Keren Kajemed. And my piaster is jour Piaster, because [3] jou have been good to me.
Ask Miss Herter – english Consulat Zürich. But perhaps momentan it is dangerous to travel. – I thank jou for jour help! It is good, I get permission to back Zürich or Ascona. It is verry good. when I also must wait to travel. All the poor brothers and sisters in the Ships op Sea and all all all the sorry things! I know here dear english familys and in the evening visit me artists, also Notar and phyls. Notar Andreas Meyer. He is a friend for jou. because I am allways sorry. My dearest friend Elfrieda is dead, she sleep now Ölberg. [Davidstern] I can not more for Mystic in the world. Too afraid!!
Jour poor Jussuf. (Else Lasker-Schüler)
[1] I write for: Haarez great paper here. From Mr. Schocken. In his house I have spoken my poems.
[2] Some times we go Cinema. Beautiful Cinema – english and americ: Wild West.
And we go also Schabbatt all: Synagoge.
(Greetings for jou dear Papa and Renée. is she happy? I think.
Briefbogen mit Foto, beschriftet: »JERUSALEM. Building of Jewish Agency and National Funds ירושלם, בניני המוסדות הציוניים המרכזים«.
Quelle: The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Emil Raas Collection (Arc. 4* 1821 01 59).