[259] Else Lasker-Schüler an Emil Raas
Jerusalem, Dienstag, 21. Mai 1940
Mr. Fürsprech Emil
Balmweg 7.
21. Mai 40 Hôtel Atlantic. Ben Jehudastreet.
Dear Mr. Fürsprech. I got Jour letter 7 days ago and I was verry glad to hear from Jou. I am now, much better Atlantic and look allways through the window op the interessting street with Dromedare, Kameele and white ass. I allways but verry sorry. Today better, I know we all look us again. Jussuf.
Poststempel: Jerusalem, 21. 5. 40.
Quelle: The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Emil Raas Collection (Arc. 4* 1821 01 65).