[260] Else Lasker-Schüler an Emil Raas
Jerusalem, Mittwoch, 29. Mai 1940
Mrs Else Lasker-Schüler.
Ben Jehudastreet
Hôtel Atlantic.
like Paris Hotels
Mr. Fürsprech
Emil Raas
Balmweg 7
Dear Mr. Advocate. If the little cousin allready ill and please, bring here. A greatest medicin here. And also montain 800 Meter hoch. and good air here and celebrated operateur. Bring the boy here and jou travel away directly when nescessairy. Come here directly with the boy. Not dear all bon marché. I am now still more little Hôtel like Paris with good window op the interesting street. Overall the same, – but all Schicksal and in the hand God (Gottes) Come directly perhaps with Renée and all. I allways I am so sorry. But I am a Soldat from God.
Come here with the little 7 old cousing
Jour ELSch.
All english soldiers and austral soldiers good gentlemen
Poststempel: Jerusalem, 29. 5. 40.
Quelle: The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Emil Raas Collection (Arc. 4* 1821 01 65).